Complete an Intake Form

Thank you for your interest in the Law Office of Robinson & Geraldo. As a potential new client, you can proceed to complete an intake form, relevant to the type of matter you intend to pursue. This form is used to collect information about the potential matter and is used for internal purposes only. The information you provide is confidential and will be treated accordingly. Please note that the completion of an Intake Form does not create an Attorney-Client relationship. Upon completion, we would contact you to convene a consultation.

We have categorized our forms, to make it easy for you to complete the form that is most appropriate to your matter. If you are unable to identify a form that relates to your matter, please complete the GENERAL INTAKE FORM


Child Maintenance matter Intake Form
Divorce matter Client Intake Form
Child Custody/ Time Sharing/ Child Support Intake Form
Adoption Intake Form
Guardianship Application Intake Form
Prenuptial Agreement Intake Form


Civil Litigation Intake Form
Personal Injury/Auto Accident Intake Form
Debt Collection Intake Form
Client Intake Form (I would like to sue someone for Defamation or Slander)
Client Intake Form (Someone is suing me for Defamation or Slander)
Medical Negligence (Malpractice) Intake Form
Injunction Application Intake Form
Breach of Contract Client Intake Form
Construction Agreements/Matters Intake Form
Enforcement of Judgement Intake Form
Registration of Foreign Court Order Intake Form
Asset Sale Agreement Intake Form


Squatters’ Rights/ Adverse possession Intake Form
Recovery of possession Intake Form (Land and/or Land and building)
Property/Conveyancing Intake Form (Purchasers)
Property/Conveyancing Intake Form (Transfer pursuant to a Gift)
Landlord and Tenant (Lease Preparation) Intake Form
Property/Conveyancing Intake Form (Beneficiary of property)
Landlord and Tenant (Dispute) Intake Form
Property/Conveyancing Intake Form (Vendors)
Property Dispute Intake Form
Rights of Way and Easement Intake Form
Real Estate Intake Form


Probate and Letters of Administration Litigation Intake Form
Dispute with an Estate Intake Form
Probate (Resealing) Intake Form
Simple Will Intake Form
Contesting a Will Intake Form
Power of Attorney Intake Form


Company Incorporation/ Business Registration Intake Form