Going Through a Divorce with Children | Why You Need an Attorney

African American Family with parents arguing.

Going through a divorce with children is hard. Not only do you have to face the legal aspects and drama of a divorce, but your children also have changes to endure. If you are looking for divorce law attorneys in Washington DC, or Maryland the experienced attorneys at Robinson & Geraldo can help you sort everything out.

How Do Children Complicate a Divorce?

When a couple files for divorce, all of the assets and finances are divided. A skilled divorce law attorneys in Washington DC and Maryland  can help determine what belongs to you and your ex. When children are involved, this adds more complications to the situation as you also need to figure out child custody, child support, and visitation rights. As the specific laws can differ from state to state, it is best to contact a knowledgeable attorney.

How is Child Custody Determined?

In Maryland as well as DC, a judge must determine two types of child custody upon divorce. The first is legal custody, which defines a parent’s right to make medical, religious, legal, and educational decisions.

The second type of custody is physical custody, which refers to whose home the child will live in primarily. A judge will make decisions on these two things based on the child’s needs and best interests, including keeping siblings together, reducing change, financial stability, and more. Your attorney can help you understand what to expect.

How is Child Support Determined?

In DC and Maryland, the judge will consider how much is needed to care for the children based upon the custody determination, the parties individual income, and other statutory factors determine child support.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Navigating a divorce with children can be incredibly complicated. Contacting a skilled Maryland and Washington DC family lawyer is the best option. A skilled attorney will help with the paperwork, give you valuable advice and take some stress off of your shoulders. Contact Robinson & Geraldo to schedule a consultation.